The influence of Instagram on the decision to purchase honeymoon tourist destinations
Instagram, Purchase decision, Tourist destination, HoneymoonAbstract
It is increasingly noticeable, the power of influence that social networks have on consumer behavior. In this sense, this study sought to understand how posts on Instagram influence the decision to purchase honeymoon tourist destinations. Also, the following specific objectives were outlined: to identify the types of tourism posts on Instagram that attract the attention of brides; identify the main influencers in the decision-making process for the purchase of tourist honeymoon destinations and propose a framework for the decision-making process for the purchase of honeymoon tourist destinations. Thus, exploratory qualitative research was conducted, conducted by in-depth interviews. Two types of posts were found that must attract the attention of brides: Focus on aesthetics and focus on the tourist structure. Four main types of influencers of honeymoon tourist destinations on Instagram were also identified. It became evident that travel posts on Instagram play a relevant role in the decision to purchase a honeymoon tourist destination, as the users who post act as co-creators of content marketing strategies even without having the intention of this influence. Finally, a framework for the purchase decision process for a honeymoon tourist destination was developed, which showed that Instagram is an essential tool, as the purchase decision process starts there before the trip and at the end is returned to him through posts after or during travel.
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