Bookstagram and the American and Portuguese publishing markets




Bookstagram, Digital literacy community, Reading practices, Publishing market


This study starts from the analysis of the evolution of the volume of book sales in the markets of the United States of America and Portugal, seeking to understand how publishers use the social network Instagram to promote their titles, as assessed by the literary community Bookstagram and what is the community's perception of its role and recognition by publishers in promoting books and reading. You have the following research question: How can the social network Instagram, and in particular the digital literary community Bookstagram, influence the book market? The study, of qualitative nature, is based on the case study method - the literary community Bookstagram -, and on the techniques of literature review, direct observation and interview inquiry. The book markets of both countries are difficult to compare, in terms of volume, but also geographic, population and even language. However, the authors conclude that the literary community Bookstagram has a great influence on readers, and in the promotion of reading habits, notably in the younger generations, and, consequently, in the publishing market. But the relationship between bookstagrammers and publishers is very different in both countries, while in the United States it is becoming increasingly important, in Portugal it is almost non-existent.


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Author Biographies

Carlos Guardado da Silva, Letters faculty; University of Lisbon

Ph.D. in Medieval History, by the University of Lisbon, and Aggregate in Information Science by the University of Coimbra. He’s researcher at Centre for Classical Studies of the University of Lisbon, professor and director of the Master Degree in Documentation and Information Sciences, at School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. He is also member of the ISKO (International Society for Knowledge Organization) - Iberian Chapter. His last book, published in 2020 is Investigação em Ciência da Informação, by Colibri (Portugal).

Cláudia Catanho, Faculty of Letters, University of Lisbon

Degree in History (2018) and Master's Degree in Documentation and Information Sciences (2020), from the University of Lisbon. He is a science manager at the João Paulo II University Library of the Portuguese Catholic University.


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How to Cite

Guardado da Silva, C., & Catanho, C. (2021). Bookstagram and the American and Portuguese publishing markets. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (53), 25–41.



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