Prosumers and the professionalization of the citizen journalism: The case


  • Laura Cervi
  • Carles Marín Lladó
  • Carlos Sanandrés



citizen journalism, prosumer, web, Eurovision


The advancement of technology in the information society has replaced the traditional vertical and unidirectional communication model of the mass media with a horizontal and multidirectional one, where individuals have become prosumers. With the internet at its peak and with smartphones and “mobile journalism”, the tools of this profession have been made available to people, causing the birth of so-called “citizen journalism”, where anyone can be a creator and container of journalistic material. Traditional journalism already competes with digital journalism, and with initiatives of all kinds of journalistic content with thousands, and even millions, of followers who consume a certain specific product. In this study, the role of “citizen journalism” is analyzed through the informative website dedicated to the Eurovision Song Contest

The purpose is to discover if this initiative, driven by fans, ends up professionalizing its activity and if its effectiveness opens the beginning of a new era of democratization of information or, on the contrary, affects the end of the profession of journalism, as it has been staged in the last fifty years.


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How to Cite

Cervi, L., Marín Lladó, C., & Sanandrés, C. (2021). Prosumers and the professionalization of the citizen journalism: The case Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (52), 8–25.



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