Artificial Intelligence (AI)

On the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the publication of scientific manuscripts

AI authorship

Large language models (LLMs), such as ChatGPT, do not currently meet our authorship criteria. Authorship attribution entails responsibility for the content of the work, which cannot be effectively applied to Large Language Models (LLMs). In such a case, ChatGPT does not meet our authorship criteria.

The use of an LLM must be adequately documented in the Methods section (and if no Methods section is available, in an appropriate alternative part) of the manuscript.

Generative AI images

In the case of images obtained with any of the AI ​​techniques, they must also be duly documented in the corresponding section of the manuscript. As editors, we strictly follow current copyright legislation and best practices in publication ethics. Its use for publication is not permitted.

Exceptions will be images and videos that are directly referenced in an article that specifically deals with AI, which will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

References built with LLM models such as ChatGPT, and that are not valid when checked, will be discarded.

Use of AI by reviewers

If any part of the evaluation of the claims made in the manuscript was in any way supported by an AI tool, we ask peer reviewers to declare the use of such tools transparently in the peer review report.