Agro-environment zoning and growth periods of the municipality of Maravatio (Michoacán, México)
Palabras clave:
Climate, Growth periods, Staple crops, Agro-environmentsResumen
The objective is to carry out a zoning of agri-environments and calculate the growth periods in the municipality of Maravatio, in the state of Michoacan. This is very relevant since the realization of dryland agricultural production of basic crops, vegetables and fruit trees depends on the climate. For the above, a regionalization of the territory of the municipality of Maravatio is made, through delimiting spaces with the agro-environment concept, which combines biotic and abiotic aspects, as well as calculating growth periods, based on precipitation, moisture stored in the soil, average monthly temperature and frost frequency. 9 agro-environments and 12 growth periods are obtained. 70% of the territory of Maravatio has favorable conditions to produce crops with agricultural cycles that fluctuate between 130 and 150 days. The rest must be used as spaces for the conservation of natural resources and for recreational activities.
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Derechos de autor 2024 Revista de Estudios Andaluces
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