Rooftop terraces as an experiential tourist offer: the case of Madrid (Spain)


  • Frank Babinger Complutense University of Madrid
  • María Milagros Serrano-Cambronero Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Geography and History

Palabras clave:

Experiential tourism, Hotel terraces, Tourist resources, Landscape consumption, Madrid


This article focuses on the analysis of rooftop terraces in the city of Madrid (Spain) as an example of the new tourist demands in urban environments. In this way, they stand out as an example of an offer aimed to satisfy the needs of post-modern tourists who demand quality tourist experiences.

The methodology was based firstly on a bibliographic review, secondly on the search for terraces through specialized web pages, fieldwork and their subsequent georeferencing, and finally in the analysis of the information.

The spatial distribution of the terraces is presented, through updated cartography, carried out after the georeferencing of the terraces.

It is worth noting that the rooftop terraces are directly linked to the offer of experiential and quality tourism demanded by tourists, while their geographical distribution shows their clear relationship with the most touristic area of the city of Madrid.


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Biografía del autor/a

Frank Babinger, Complutense University of Madrid

Department of Geography, Faculty of Commerce and Tourism

María Milagros Serrano-Cambronero, Complutense University of Madrid, Faculty of Geography and History

Geography Department



Cómo citar

Babinger, F., & Serrano-Cambronero, M. M. (2021). Rooftop terraces as an experiential tourist offer: the case of Madrid (Spain). Revista De Estudios Andaluces, (42), 233–235. Recuperado a partir de



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