In Chile, Building the First Latin American City. Breaking Barriers of the Slum “Los Arenales” in Antofagasta


  • Elizabeth Andrade National Human Rights Prize 2022 (Chile)
  • Ana Sugranyes Bickel Housing and Land Rights Network (HIC-HLRN)



Slums, Housing policies, Intercultural development


Women of different Latin American nationalities lead a self-managed process, Breaking Barriers (Rompiendo Barreras), seeking for the recognition of their rights in the settlement of one of the largest slums in Chile, “Los Arenales”, with two thousand families, in the city of Antofagasta. For the right to the city, they are in search of an ideal environment and want to be part of its construction. This struggle is part of the challenges of today’s Chile: the emancipatory constitutional process; the beginning of a new and socially committed government; with high barriers to access to housing and land; and the high migratory flow, especially in the north of the country. After seven years of solidarity and intercultural organization, the conditions are in place to propose a process of social integration, for the production of a place to live in and for better housing conditions.


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Author Biography

Elizabeth Andrade, National Human Rights Prize 2022 (Chile)

National Human Rights Award 2022 (Chile)


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Sugranyes, Ana (2017). Chabolismo indignante: el hábitat de los que sobran. Hábitat y Sociedad, 3, 27-49. DOI:

Sugranyes, Ana y Bouza, Jerónimo (2016). Evolución del derecho a la ciudad a lo largo de 50 años, en Borja, Jordi, Carrión, Fernando y Corti, Marcelo (Eds.), Ciudades para cambiar la vida. Una respuesta a Hábitat III (pp. 235-242). Quito: Café de las Ciudades. Recuperado el 1 de junio de 2022 de:

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How to Cite

Andrade, E. ., & Sugranyes Bickel, A. (2022). In Chile, Building the First Latin American City. Breaking Barriers of the Slum “Los Arenales” in Antofagasta. Hábitat Y Sociedad, (15), 255–271.
Received 2022-07-10
Accepted 2022-09-01
Published 2022-11-28
  • Abstract 241
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  • HTML (Español (España)) 154