Contributions for the re-draft of vulnerable housing states. Micro-actions that promote exteriority”




Activator, Multiscale, Exteriority, Housing


The activation of public housing states from the 70s and 80s decades, currently under vulnerability processes, presents itself as a form of urban sustainability that takes advantage of existing buildings and infrastructure for the generation of quality housing and habitat, supported by the idea of continuity of the project throughout time, community preservation and the continual building of cities.

A small scale project is proposed here as an intervention strategy. Micro-actions based on the incorporation of activating elements, capable of generating greater unfolding in the different scales of the housing state, through the co-operative participation of its dwellers, creating a renovated bond with objects and spaces in the state.

In this article we focus on the exteriority of domestic sceneries, understood as living the outdoors, in search for rich experiences within the different scales and components of the state. Looking out the window, going out to the balcony, to the ground floor, walking along a corridor street, going through internal paths until reaching an urban street; daily experiences based on having the user as the center.


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Author Biography

Andrés Javier Cabrera Recoba, FACULTAD DE ARQUITECTURA, DISEÑO Y URBANISMO-FADU, UDELAR, Montevideo, Uruguay

Arquitecto, desde 1997, Facultad de Arquitectura del Uruguay (FADU) / Universidad de la República (UDELAR), Montevideo, Uruguay Posgrado: Master en Ciencias, Programa de Arquitectura y Urbanismo, Área de concentración: Proyecto de Arquitectura / Línea de investigación: Producción de arquitectura-vivienda. Facultad de Arquitectura y Urbanismo de San Pablo – FAU USP, San Pablo, Brasil. Doctorado en Arquitectura en curso en FADU, Uy. Profesor Adjunto Go3 del curso de Trabajo Final de Carrera, Proyecto, Taller Martin, DEAPA (Departamento de Enseñanza de Anteproyecto y Proyecto de Arquitectura). Socio en estudio Boggia-Cabrera arquitectos.


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How to Cite

Cabrera Recoba, A. J. (2021). Contributions for the re-draft of vulnerable housing states. Micro-actions that promote exteriority”. Hábitat Y Sociedad, (14), 339–352.
Received 2021-03-15
Accepted 2021-04-09
Published 2021-11-02
  • Abstract 434
  • pdf (Español (España)) 329
  • epub (Español (España)) 23