
  • Ana Vargas Martínez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • María Dolores Ramírez Almazán



Margherita Cantelmo. Female patronage. Querelle des femmes. Isabella d'Este.


There are many women that we find in the history of Europe who have served as patrons of letters and the arts, of religious, educational, cultural and political spaces. Patronage is a task that is perpetuated throughout the centuries and will play a fundamental role among the female figures of the aristocracy and the upper bourgeoisie. Patronage was, furthermore, a way of intervening in society, of perpetuating one's own memory; that is, a way of “creating to transcend.” Such is the case of the Italian noblewoman Margarita Cantelmo (1474-1532). In this communication we propose to delve deeper into her figure as a whole and, more specifically, her work as a patron, both of religious spaces and works for gender equality in the context of the Querelle des femmes.



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How to Cite

Vargas Martínez, A., & Ramírez Almazán, M. D. (2025). CREATE AND TRANSCEND. MARGHERITA CANTELMO AND THE PATRONAGE . International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (28), 105–118.
Received 2024-07-16
Accepted 2024-11-25
Published 2025-01-31
  • Abstract 18
  • PDF (Español (España)) 15