
  • Junyu Huang Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona



Spanish literature, one-child policy, Chinese mothers, representation


This article aims to provide insights into the social imaginaries embedded in the representation of Chinese mothers in Spanish novels by examining the cultural representation of Chinese mothers in Spanish novels within the context of the one-child policy. It focuses on two specific novels En busca del hilo rojo by Collado, published in 2011 and Regreso a China by Rivera, published in 2012. Using theories of social imaginaries, cultural representation, and orientalism, the article analyzes how these novels depict Chinese women as passive victims rather than active authors of the abandonment of their daughters. Additionally, it highlights the construction of a ruthless image of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), emphasizing the physical and mental traumas experienced by mothers due to the implementation of the mentioned policy. In this context, the husbands' families are portrayed as accomplices to the women's suffering through patriarchal oppression. Therefore, the analysis pays attention to the orientalist perspective reflected in literary representation and the implications of Western intervention in addressing Chinese issues.


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How to Cite

Huang, J. (2024). ONE-CHILD POLICY IN SPANISH NOVELS: THOSE MOTHERS WHO ABANDON THEIR DAUGHTERS. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (27), 140–164.
Received 2023-06-08
Accepted 2023-12-02
Published 2024-01-08
  • Abstract 120
  • PDF (Español (España)) 53