feminismo, mujer, Simone de BeauvoirAbstract
Framing it in her own memories and from a personal prism, Magda initially approaches the figure of Beauvoir considering the author in the autobiography of her work, and dwelling on her relationships and the tandem formed with Sartre. Once the person is considered, Magda turns to the author, entering into a discussion of "The Second Sex", and critically reviewing many of the positions adopted by Beauvoir in this work. Lastly, Magda analyzes the situation of a “transmodern feminism” examining its link with movements such as Existentialism and highlighting the challenges that still remain today regarding the conceptions that shape the image of women.Downloads
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How to Cite
Accepted 2019-01-11
Published 2012-04-09
- Abstract 316
- PDF (Español (España)) 281