Venecia, siglo XVIII, escritoras, teatro, músicaAbstract
The enlightened thought that defines the social structure of Venice in the 18th century, favors the participation of women in city life. To this public space to which it accesses from its natural demands of education, recognition and freedom, it manages to arrive because it is capable of expressing what it considers worthy of being told and transmitted so that society itself, as the recipient of efforts and achievements, becomes the debtor of so many merits of yours. The intellectual daring of some historical names shows that talent and effort serve so that life is also an expression of one's own will. And yet, the right to be happy is claimed, which is not a little, as happy have been the artistic responses - theatrical and musical - of other participants in these fervent debates about the female condition. It would have been another thing if everything had remained on theoretical premises, delicious for discussion, but not very useful in the construction of a new world.Downloads
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Accepted 2019-01-11
Published 2012-04-09
- Abstract 129
- PDF (Español (España)) 148