
  • Clara María Thomas de Antonio Universidad de Sevilla




poetisas palestinas, mujeres palestinas, exilio palestino, literatura femenina árabe


This work presents poems by Palestinian women in exile, others who continue to live in their land, or Arab women in solidarity with their cause. If at first their favorite themes were love, introspection or the search for their own identity, they soon realize that the struggle for female emancipation cannot be separated from the national struggle for land and independence. For this reason, his work focuses mainly on denouncing the abuses suffered and on singing to Palestine and its people.


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How to Cite

Thomas de Antonio, C. M. (2014). FEMALE POETRY ABOUT PALESTINE. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (15), 153–167. https://doi.org/10.12795/RICL.2014.i15.13



Artículos español
Received 2019-01-10
Accepted 2019-01-10
Published 2014-04-09
  • Abstract 408
  • PDF (Español (España)) 122