
  • Helena Seoane Universidad de Oviedo


Ginebra, Morgana, matriarcado, diosa, Rosalind Miles


The English writer Rosalind Miles in her book Geneva, the first book of the trilogy of the Arthurian saga together with Lanzarote, the knight of the Sacred Lake and Galahad, the son of the Holy Grail, proposes to analyze the role of Morgana and Geneva and the dichotomy that occurs between the pagan traditions defended by both against the expansion of Christianity represented by Arthur and Merlin. A large part of the Arthurian matter novels emphasize the androgynous vision of society. However, the author, through the trilogy, exposes a totally different version of the role of the female characters. The women who show us the works, specifically the one that concerns us, are strong, independent and not subject to the designs of man and through her Rosalind Miles will provide us with a new feminine perspective of the Arthurian myth.


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How to Cite

Seoane, H. (2016). MORGANA, ARTURO’S EVIL / ABUSED SISTER. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (18), 96–106. Retrieved from
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