The gender variable in language teaching in the multicultural classroom. ICT support
multiculturalidad, igualdad, género, idiomas, TIC, bloomAbstract
Multiculturalism is increasingly present in our schools and education centers nowadays. Several countries as Spain have welcomed a large number of immigrants since the 1990s, so that the Spanish educational system experienced an adaptation process to facilitate that this group is successfully incorporated into our classrooms. Achieving heterogeneity, that is, the various cultures coexisting together, is currently a main goal in schools. But we don’t have to forget that this struggle already existed: to reach full equality between men and women. By means of language teaching, this article studies if there currently exist a gender bias in the new multicultural classrooms, and how information and communication technologies, in addition with Bloom’s taxonomy use, act as a tool for establishing new learning objectives, and even achieve the basic principles of tolerance, respect and equality in education centers.
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Accepted 2017-05-09
Published 2017-04-15
- Abstract 924
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