



Xinran, Chinese women, nonfiction, oral history


The socio-cultural situation of Chinese women is a constantly changing reality. Neither Confucian social values ​​(xiao 孝: filial piety; wulun 五轮: the five fundamental relationships; hexie 和谐: social harmony) nor policy changes which claimed to ‘liberate’ women (marriage laws of 1950; 1980; 2001) can satisfy the growing number of Chinese women who choose the disadvantaged social position of ‘spinster’ (sheng nü 剩女). Contemporary Chinese writer Xue Xinran 薛 欣然 (1958--) explores the evolution of tan lian’ai 谈恋爱 (courtship and romantic relationships) in China in her latest non-fiction work. The Promise (2019) narrates six courting stories from the woman’s point of view, over four generations, within the same 20th-century Chinese family. We analyse the work based on the investigations of Botton Beja (1995; 2017), Fincher (2015), Hershatter (2007), Murti (2019) and To (2013), among others, reaching the conclusion that certain traditional Confucian gender roles attributed to Chinese women (such as san cong si de 三从四德, the ‘Three Obediences and Four Virtues’) maintain their unfavoured position in society.


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How to Cite

McLean Melchor, L. (2022). “WHAT IS A GOOD WOMAN?” XUE XINRAN 薛欣然 AND THE TRANSFORMATION OF GENDER ROLES ATTACHED TO CONTEMPORARY CHINESE WOMEN WITHIN FAMILY AND SOCIETY. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (25), 340–359. https://doi.org/10.12795/RICL2022.i25.22
Received 2022-06-05
Accepted 2022-08-31
Published 2022-11-30
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