


gender identity, educational policies, literature, childhood.


Abstract: This essay explores the notion of gender identity as a dynamic process, modelled by socio-cultural relationships, in the context of education in Latin America. The historical construction of schooling in recent decades is discussed through some documents of UNESCO. As an example of gender inequality within educational proposals, some texts from children's literature will be analyzed to highlight the gender stereotypes that still exist in the editorial industry today.


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Author Biography

Daniela De Leo, Università del Salenyo

Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici

Professore Aggregato di Filosofia Teoretica (M/Fil01)


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How to Cite

De Leo, D., & Armenise, G. (2022). CHILDREN’S LITERATURE IN LATIN AMERICA: GENDER IDENTITY IN THE EDUCATION. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (25), 109–131.
Received 2022-04-08
Accepted 2022-08-13
Published 2022-11-30
  • Abstract 140
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