New and unknown ways of seeing

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Mario Gooden (2023) explains, in relation to the work of Torkwase Dyson, artist participating in the 35th Biennial of São Paulo, Brazil, that her sculptures and installations are instruments for new and as yet unknown ways of seeing; they are tools for thinking about the "life" of those who died in captivity. We use Dyson's feeling and perspective to play with the metaphor of the relevance, and also the necessity, of unveiling ways of thinking and looking from other perspectives. The fact of discovering these new ways of seeing and finding ourselves as participating agents in these gazes remains implicit in this issue of Communiars. Journal of Image, Arts and Critical and Social Education. Issue 10 of the journal features the work of Karine Storck and Luciana Gruppelli Loponte (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul, Brazil); Attwell Mamvuto (University of Zimbabwe, Zimbabwe); Teresa Gamero García, Yonatan Díaz Santa María and Jesús Molina Saorín (University of Murcia); Pablo Coca Jiménez and Sofía Marín Cepeda (University of Valladolid); and José Vázquez González (University of Seville). From the coordination of our journal we thank them for their commitment and work. Omnia sunt communia.


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How to Cite
Communiars. (2023). New and unknown ways of seeing. Communiars. Journal of Image, Arts and Social and Critical Education, (10), 7–8. Retrieved from
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