We present the next issue of our journal Communiars. An issue dedicated in a monographic way (Vol.1) to the concepts of "Creativity and Creation", where professors Sidiney Peterson Ferreira de Lima (Universidade Estadual Paulista "Julio de Mesquita Filho" | UNESP. Brazil), Roberto Marcelo Falcón Vignoli (Université René Descartes, La Sorbonne, Paris V. France) and Apolline Torregrosa (Université de Gèneve (Switzerland). Université de Gèneve (Switzerland). This issue collects the reflections and concerns of the Colloquium "Création - créativité : entre formation et recherche" [ Creation - Creativity: between training and research ], held in 2017 at the Laboratoire Adaptations Travail, Individus (LATI), Université Paris Descartes and the Écoles supérieurs d'arts appliqués de Paris: École Boulle, École Duperré, École Ensaama et École Estienne; with the collaboration of UNESP, Universidade Estadual Paulista and FAEB, Federação de Arte/Educadores do Brasil.