Contractualism in the ARMY fandom: a legion prepared and mobilised at BTS’s service
ARMY, BTS, K-pop, fandom, contractualismoResumo
Although the phenomenon of fandom had its origins in the 19th century, in recent years, it has undergone significant evolution, becoming a fundamental component of the expansion and proliferation of transmedia universes. Currently, one of the largest and most globalised fan communities is ARMY, the fandom of the K-pop group BTS.
The purpose of this manuscript is to reflect on the distinctive elements that characterise the ARMY community, understand its unique relationship with BTS in relation to contractualist theories, and analyse the peculiarities of its content production. Through a questionnaire-type survey directed at BTS followers, with the participation of 275 people in English and 128 in Spanish, quantitative information was collected. The goal was to extrapolate, through structured procedures, certain aspects of the behaviour of BTS fans.
The results obtained allow for establishing the points of connection between the band and its fandom, understanding the importance of narrative as a driver of fan loyalty, evaluating the predominant influence of YouTube compared to other content consumption channels, and finally extrapolating these characteristics as a model that stimulates fan communities through fundamental elements of contractualism.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Lara Díaz-Ardiaca, Alfonso Freire-Sánchez, Montserrat Vidal-Mestre

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