‘Atypical’ and inclusive education in university: Ethical awareness with teacher education students





ethical sensivity, inclusive education, higher education, audiovisual fictions, series


In the higher education level, difficulties have been detected in ensuring access and retention of students with disabilities or neurodiversity conditions. This can be prevented and reversed through the ethical sensitization of future education professionals towards inclusive education. According to James Rest’s theoretical model, ethical sensitivity involves assessing a situation based on a value system, identifying the behaviors and individuals involved, as well as how they may affect others. This article aims to design and test an activity on ethical sensitivity regarding inclusive education at the higher education level, drawing from the Racial and Ethical Sensitivity Test and using a contemporary fiction series. The methodology is predominantly qualitative. Twenty teacher education students participated, tasked with identifying a series of ethical issues in a segment of the series “Atypical” and proposing action plans to address the issue at hand. The results demonstrate the detection of all ethical issues present in the audiovisual segment. Participants took on different professional roles to propose interventions as teachers or educational psychologists within the school community. Additionally, a lack of specific knowledge about inclusive education at the higher education level was observed. In conclusion, the usefulness of audiovisual fictions for designing activities that explore ethical sensitivity is highlighted, and the relevance of professional ethics training for educational agents is underscored.


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Author Biographies

Paula Belén Mastandrea, University of Buenos Aires

Paula Belén Mastandrea es Magíster en Psicología Educacional, Licenciada y Profesora en Psicología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Se desempeña como Investigadora y Profesora de la Práctica de Investigación sobre “Cine y Subjetividad” (Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina). Sus principales temas de investigación son el cine y las series, la psicología educacional, la ética profesional docente y modelos metodológicos sobre la utilización del cine y las series para la formación en ética profesional docente.

Irene Cambra-Badii, Universitat de Vic - Central University of Catalonia

Irene Cambra-Badii es Doctora en Psicología por la Universidad del Salvador (Argentina) y Licenciada en Psicología por la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeña como Investigadora en la Universitat de Vic - Universitat Central de Catalunya, España. Es Profesora de Bioética en la Facultad de Medicina y en Ciencias de la Salud (Universitat de Vic - Universitat de Manresa). Sus principales temas de investigación son el uso del cine y las series televisivas como recursos de análisis de los imaginarios sociales y también como recursos de innovación docente en el ámbito universitario, especialmente en los grados de ciencias de la salud, mediante la metodología de cine-educación.


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How to Cite

Mastandrea, P. B., & Cambra-Badii, I. (2024). ‘Atypical’ and inclusive education in university: Ethical awareness with teacher education students. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (65), 53–71. https://doi.org/10.12795/Ambitos.2024.i65.03



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