Boomers versus Millennials and Gen Z: Digital literacy and social media




digital literacy, digital gap, social media, boomers, digital natives


Digital gap which separates the Boomer generation –born between 1946 and 1964– from digital natives –Millennials and Generation Z, born between 1994 and 2012– it’s nowadays, one of the most influential inequities in the current communication process. The lack of digital literacy has triggered the need to develop digital skills in more vulnerable users: the Boomers. This article established a balance between both age groups (n=227) from a perspective of the use of social network with regards to the consumption of current information. On the one hand, we applied a quantitative mythology un pretest format, to students of the Interuniversity Experience Program of University of Salamanca, with a view to future research that deals with the use of social media in Boomers, focused on the consumption of content and current news. On the other hand, we developed a survey to Millennials and Gen Z around their perception of the informative treatment of informative content on television and social networks. This study case provides results that break with social stereotypes that Boomers don’t use social networks and are not educated enough to do so, or that they are not even interest in learning how to use these new tools to consume current information.


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How to Cite

Mori Cureses, M. (2023). Boomers versus Millennials and Gen Z: Digital literacy and social media. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (61), 116–131.



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