The Advocacy Trap: the case of youth ecologist activism in Catalunya
activism, youth, ecologism, advocacy, frustrationAbstract
The environmental youth movements have taken a different drift in recent years, especially after the emergence of the young activist Greta Thunberg. The coronavirus pandemic and its subsequent crisis, together with the phenomenon of digitization, are contributing to the formation of a new trend within activism, which many have defined as new social movements, NMS (von Kardorff, 2019). This new type of activism (and also other social movements) runs up against a challenge that is known as the advocacy trap, which is the situation where young environmental activists run into feelings of frustration, disappointment or despair at their inability to move from directly shape their demands to institutions that either do not take their demands seriously or use them for purposes other than those claimed by activists. The trap can result in reactions such as the abandonment of activism by young people or the exhaustion of movements. This article has three ambitions. First, outline the main keys to this new environmental youth activism. Second, present the main challenge you are facing right now, which this article has described as the advocacy trap. Third, empirically demonstrate from a set of semi- structured interviews the effects of this advocacy trap on environmental youth activism, focusing on the main consequences it has on the emotional state of its members.
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