Communication, health and Covid-19. How Spanish health instagrammers communicate


  • Antonio Castro-Higueras Malaga University
  • Dr. José Luis Torres-Martín Malaga University
  • Mireya Carballeda-Camacho Malaga University
  • Miguel de Aguilera-Moyano Malaga University



Instagram, Communication and health, Social networks, Influencer, COVID-19


The purpose of this research is to study the visual resources used by health workers in their Instagram posts during the first two weeks of confinement. The main objective is to find out the expressive resources used by these Instagrammers, how they use the tools offered by the platform to achieve a significant impact among their audiences. The methodology used is mixed, quantitative and qualitative. In the first case, programs such as FanPageKarma and are used to determine the digital metrics of the Instagrammers (the number of followers, reactions, engagement, audience quality, gender, etc.) An analysis sheet on the use of audiovisual discursive resources was created to analyze the publications. At the same time, the walkthrough method was applied to discover the expressive potential of Instagram. As main results, we can highlight the intermediary role of Instagrammers who not only act as producers of messages but also as transmitters of third parties, carrying out curation and gatekeeping functions. We also conclude that the users in the sample do not take advantage of all the expressive and message dissemination potential of a tool such as Instagram. Likewise, they do not stand out for their communicative skills regarding their command of language and audiovisual narratives.  Despite this, the success of these expert influencers is clear, the causes of which can be found in the exceptional circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic (especially during the period analyzed) and the population's need to find truthful information in the face of uncertainty.


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Author Biography

Antonio Castro-Higueras, Malaga University

Contracted professor doctor


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How to Cite

Castro-Higueras, A. ., Torres-Martín, J. L. ., Carballeda-Camacho, M., & de Aguilera-Moyano, M. . (2021). Communication, health and Covid-19. How Spanish health instagrammers communicate. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (53), 42–62.



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