Media and social isolation: the consumer experience of virtual entertainment




consumer experience, lives, virtual entertainment, media, social isolation


This article aims to analyze the consumer experience of virtual entertainment in times of mandatory social isolation. In this way, the study used, for data collection, a field research based on the thickening strategy, which is composed of three stages (interview, netnography and observation), while, for the treatment of the data, we opted for thematic analysis. The results indicated three important themes, namely: virtual entertainment, media and digital consumer experience. Related to these, fourteen sub-themes were also identified and briefly designated the types of virtual entertainment, the categories of media used and the dimensions of the consumer experience. In general, the participants classified the consumption of lives during the isolation period as satisfactory, since they functioned as a kind of escape valve to go through the controversial and complicated moments of the pandemic. Despite this, they also pointed out some improvements that include the interaction between artists and the public, as well as the virtual structure offered for transmission. In addition to the important managerial implications outlined by the article, as alternatives to leverage attractions of this nature and draw more public attention, the theoretical contributions were also of great relevance, especially for the elaboration of new dimensions of the consumption experience that have not yet been addressed in the literature, such as the dimension of imbued consumption, the interactivity dimension, and the dimension of digital infrastructure.


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Author Biographies

Vanessa Saldanha Pinheiro, UECE - State University of Ceará

Master's student in Administration from the Graduate Program in Administration of the State University of Ceará.

Danielle Miranda de Oliveira Arruda, UECE - State University of Ceará

Associate Professor of the Graduate Business Administration Programme of the State University of Ceará and PhD in Administration from the Institut D'administration D'entreprises Université Nice.

Daniel de Carvalho Bentes, UECE - State University of Ceará

Master's degree student in Administration from the Graduate Program in Administration of the State University of Ceará.


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How to Cite

Saldanha Pinheiro, V., de Oliveira Arruda, D. M. ., & de Carvalho Bentes, D. . . (2021). Media and social isolation: the consumer experience of virtual entertainment. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (54), 104–121.



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