Journalistic deontology in the informative treatment of the Catalan secessionist attempt


  • Sara Dorado Lago University of Santiago de Compostela; Faculty of communication sciences
  • José Sixto-García University of Santiago de Compostela; Faculty of communication sciences



Deontology of Journalism, Media ethics, Self-regulation, Regulatory agencies, Catalan process


Several previous researchers have confirmed the credibility crisis that journalism suffers (Herrero-Diz et al., 2021; Ricoy et al, 2019; Herrero-Diz et al., 2019; Gutiérrez-Martín et al., 2019). The threat of disinformation is even more evident in events of great social and historical significance such as the failed attempt at Catalan independence. Absolute respect for journalistic ethics and deontology act, without sweat, as an antidote to regain credibility and offer citizens truthful and quality information. Starting from the study of the European and national deontological regulations and the media themselves, an ethical and deontological analysis is carried out of the information published by La Vanguardia, Le Figaro and The Times on the day of publication of the judgment of the procés by part of the Supreme Court, as well as in the days before and after (n = 155). The research was based on qualitative content analysis techniques and was carried out in two phases: first, analysis of codes of conduct, and then news analysis. The results make it possible to determine the degree of commitment of the media to journalistic deontology and, on the other hand, identify trends on the influence of the press in shaping public opinion based on the depth or level of contextualization with which the news treatment is carried out.


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Author Biography

José Sixto-García, University of Santiago de Compostela; Faculty of communication sciences

Professor of the Department of Communication Sciences. Former director of the Institute of Social Media (2013-2019).


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How to Cite

Dorado Lago, S. ., & Sixto-García, J. (2021). Journalistic deontology in the informative treatment of the Catalan secessionist attempt . Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (53), 201–215.



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