Positive emotions and social marketing on NGDO Facebook pages


  • Araceli Galiano Coronil Cadiz University
  • Rafael Ravina Ripoll Cadiz University




Social marketing, Happiness, NGOD, Facebook


There is great interest in the academic community in measuring positive emotions. In this sense, important literature emerges that explores these emotions in the volunteer environment of NGDOs. These entities use social networks to communicate with citizens. From this perspective, this article wants to examine the influence of positive emotions and social marketing in messages that talk about volunteering, from the information provided by the messages published in the ten most popular NGDOs on Facebook during the year 2019. A methodology based on data mining techniques and content analysis has been used. The results show that the number of likes is associated with the appearance of terms synonymous with happiness. From the point of view of social marketing, informative messages have achieved more impact than behavioral ones.


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How to Cite

Galiano Coronil, A., & Ravina Ripoll, R. . (2021). Positive emotions and social marketing on NGDO Facebook pages. Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (53), 185–200. https://doi.org/10.12795/Ambitos.2021.i53.10



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