Focus and scope


The journal Magazin was born in 1996 as a means of dissemination of the academic activity developed by the members of AGA (Asociación de Germanistas Andaluces) and has been published uninterruptedly since then.

In 2014, it was redefined as a journal of intercultural Germanistics and opened a central section for the dissemination of scientific articles and research papers dealing with interculturality between the German and Spanish languages, both from a philological and a translatological point of view.

The content of the journal is framed in the field of Germanistics and deals with interculturality, linguistics, didactics, literature, translation or interpreting, with the Spanish and German languages. In the case of translation and interpreting, quality scientific papers dealing with other languages may be accepted, subject to the decision of the Editorial Team. The articles in the central section of Magazin are aimed at an audience interested in research and analysis of concepts and cultural aspects, covering a research niche not addressed by other journals.

Magazin contains other sections that are not subject to the peer review process, such as intercultural didactics, of great interest for teaching in primary, secondary and university education, as well as in Official Language Schools in Spain (EOI) and language centers in universities. This section presents works reflecting and projecting didactic activities and suggestions from teachers, with the aim of weaving a professional network. The Otriversos section highlights the intercultural vision through experiences from different perspectives and the reviews and reports section highlights bibliographical novelties and activities related to German culture.

The editorial board of Magazin. Revista de Germanística Intercultural will decide on the acceptance for publication of the articles received on the basis of the confidential reports provided by external evaluators (see "Peer review process"). The journal applies a double-blind evaluation system that guarantees the anonymity of authors and reviewers.

Authors must submit unpublished articles and guarantee that they have not been previously presented in another publication, as well as, if applicable, the conformity of shared authorship and the order in which they appear. They will also be aware of the code of good conduct in relation to plagiarism and will acknowledge the sources of data and information extraction explicitly.

The languages of the journal are Spanish and German. Exceptionally, articles in English, Portuguese, Italian and French will be accepted with the approval of the Editorial Board.

The Editorial Board will respond within 15 days to any complaints that may be received and will make public the correction of published content, if deemed necessary.

Publishing entity of the journal:

Editorial Universidad de Sevilla

C/ Porvenir, 27
41013 Sevilla · Spain
Tfno.: (+34) 954 487 447