Cognitively accessible texts: Lectura fácil and Leichte Sprache in contrast
lectura fácil, lengua fácil, lingüística contrastiva, variedad lingüística, accesibilidad lingüística, traducción accesible, Easy-to-Read, easy language, contrastive linguistic, linguistic variety, linguistic accessibility, accessible translationAbstract
The aim of this study is to offer a German-Spanish contrastive analysis of a translation modality that is increasingly being developed in the context of accessible communication. Although in other fields it is referred to as an 'edit or adaptation method' (IFLA 2010, UNE 2018), this paper argues for the inclusion of easy-to-read (Easy-to-Read, in English, and Leichte Sprache, in German) as a form of intralinguistic and intersemiotic translation of a standard text into an easily legible and comprehensible text. This work compares the development since the beginning of this practice in Germany and Spain, as well as the sets of guidelines or regulations available, the legislative coverage of easy-to-read, some of its linguistic features and some final comparisons.
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