The jurisprudence of the Court of Luxembourg as the engine of legislative reforms: unemployment benefit and domestic service




Unemployment benefit, domestic workers, CJEU, Spain


The study that is presented below has as its fundamental objective to carry out a rereading of the most recent community jurisprudence to know what has been and is the degree of affectation in the legislative novelties in the Spanish legal system regarding the configuration of protection. social unemployment of those who provide services in the family home. To achieve this goal, a regulatory, jurisprudential and existing judicial doctrine review on this matter has been carried out at the community and national levels.


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Author Biography

María Salas Porras, Malaga University

Senior Lecturer in Labour and Social Security Law


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How to Cite

Salas Porras, M. (2022). The jurisprudence of the Court of Luxembourg as the engine of legislative reforms: unemployment benefit and domestic service. E-International Review on Social Protection, 7(2), 122–145.



Received 2022-10-26
Accepted 2022-12-01
Published 2022-12-30
  • Abstract 96
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