Ten interpretive difficulties in the discontinuous temporary and fixed contracting regime after promulgation of RDL 32/2021





Temporary hiring, Fixed-discontinuous, RDL 32/2021, Labor reform, Interpretation


In this commentary, we expose some interpretative doubts raised by the new regulation of temporary contracting and fixed discontinuous operations by RDL 32/2021. With independence of the legitimacy of the objectives pursued by the norm, which is not questioned, we focus our attention on some passages of it that, because it is built on indeterminate legal concepts, compromises legal certainty in its empirical application. In addition to these interpretative doubts, we will identify some aspects of the reform that, although they admit a peaceful reading, could be problematic, either because of their difficult application or because of the possible collision with the community regulations on temporary employment.


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Author Biography

Francisco Vigo Serralvo



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How to Cite

Vigo Serralvo, F. . (2022). Ten interpretive difficulties in the discontinuous temporary and fixed contracting regime after promulgation of RDL 32/2021. E-International Review on Social Protection, 7(1), 233–258. https://doi.org/10.12795/e-RIPS.2022.i01.12
Received 2022-04-19
Accepted 2022-05-09
Published 2022-06-24
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