From the crisis to the reinvention of trade unions in the digital era: the theory of recognition as a proposal for social protection




Networked trade unions, Software, Recognition theory, Technology. Labor Law


This article analyzes the Brazilian trade union movement from the Labor Law crisis caused by new technologies. The research is theoretical, having as a background the notion of a software era, in which information and communication technologies are used to make human work more precarious, culminating in the worsening of the crisis of workers unions and of the Labor Law itself. The objective of this diagnosis is, in this research, by means of a juridical-prospective method, to point out future trends for worker unionism, in an attempt to indicate ways to overcome the current weakening scenario of union movements in Brazil. For such a formulation, an interdisciplinary investigation is proposed, having as an important theoretical framework Axel Honneth's theory of reciprocal recognition in dialogue with approaches to income redistribution and new social movements. In this context, it is important for unions to articulate themselves in networks and engage politically beyond the economic agendas, using new information and communication technologies as instruments of rapprochement with the bases, rebuilding the ties of solidarity so dear to the social struggles undertaken in the world of work.


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Author Biography

Marcos Paulo Da Silva Oliveira, Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais

PhD candidate in Labor Law, with an international research grant from the Coordination of A

perfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) do Brasil

Law professor


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How to Cite

Da Silva Oliveira, M. P. (2021). From the crisis to the reinvention of trade unions in the digital era: the theory of recognition as a proposal for social protection. E-International Review on Social Protection, 6(2), 354–371.



Received 2021-11-04
Accepted 2021-11-20
Published 2021-12-31
  • Abstract 164
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