About the Journal

The RiHC. Revista internacional de Historia de la Comunicación, edited by the Asociación de Historiadores de la Comunicación (AsHisCom) and released through the Editorial de la Universidad de Sevilla, is aimed at the digital publishing of research on the historical evolution of communication in all its forms and fields.

The journal has two annual semestral issues, and is non-profit making. The Editorial Board is formed by AsHisCom members, while the Scientific Advisory Committee includes leading specialists in the History of Communication, particularly in Europe and Latin America, the regions from which the majority of contributions to the journal are proposed. The first issue was published in the second semestre of 2013.

Current Issue

No. 23 (2024): Allophone Journalism: The Great Overlooked Aspect in the History of Communication
Redacción del Diario de Valencia, 1911. Fotografía de Martín Vidal Corella. Archivo Luis Vidal

Dossier on Allophone Press

Published: 2024-12-24
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ISSN 2255-5129