Natural hazards in the Regional Land Management Plans of the province of Malaga (Spain). Suggested improvements


  • Antonio Gallegos-Reina University of Malaga
  • Laura Calvo-Delgado Tourism and Planning Costa del Sol

Palabras clave:

Natural hazards, Spatial planning, Province of Malaga, Comarcal Land Use Plans, Cartography


The analysis of natural hazards is an important topic for spatial planning, and in which many papers have been published in recent years. However, a real and effective transfer to normative documents has not yet been achieved. Considering the suitability of the regional scale for its management, this paper performs an analysis of the Land Management Plans of the province of Malaga (Spain). Among the main conclusions, it stands out that there is a manifest concern in these plans for natural hazards, but that it is not transferred to the regulations or to the planning cartography. In this regard, a series of specific improvement proposals are offered to correct this problem.


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Biografía del autor/a

Antonio Gallegos-Reina, University of Malaga

Faculty of Philosophy and Letters. Department of Geography



Cómo citar

Gallegos-Reina, A. ., & Calvo-Delgado, L. . (2023). Natural hazards in the Regional Land Management Plans of the province of Malaga (Spain). Suggested improvements. Revista De Estudios Andaluces, (46), 266–269. Recuperado a partir de



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