Valuation of Social Capital in Public Transportation and Sustainable Mobility in Venezuela. A Systematic Review of the Literature


  • Carmen Janeth Padron Simon Bolivar University. Venezuela.

Palabras clave:

Social capital; Public transport; Sustainable mobility; Venezuela; Systematic review


In this article, a systematic review was carried out between 2008 and 2020 to identify the valuation of social capital in public transport and sustainable mobility in Venezuela. Within the methodology, the open database Ebscohost was searched, finding 67 studies and when delimiting it according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, only 5 were related to the subject. Social capital promotes: economic development, overcoming poverty and democratic governance of the countries. Finally, in Venezuela, social capital tends to be negative and precarious, given its economic, social and political crisis, as regards public transport its value is substantial and weak, as there is a lack of integration with other modes of transport and little mobility sustainable.


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Biografía del autor/a

Carmen Janeth Padron, Simon Bolivar University. Venezuela.

Associate Professor, Coordinator of the Transport Administration and Business Organization Careers of the Service Technology Department



Cómo citar

Padron, C. J. (2021). Valuation of Social Capital in Public Transportation and Sustainable Mobility in Venezuela. A Systematic Review of the Literature. Revista De Estudios Andaluces, (41), 238–240. Recuperado a partir de



Summary of the Articles
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  • pdf (English) 102
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