Case pedagogy in modern language teacher education: An exploratory study
Initial teacher education, case pedagogy, case method, cases, language teachingAbstract
Discourses advocating autonomy pervade current language research and policies but teaching practices are often alien to these. This mismatch is reinforced when teacher education represents a disempowering space where student teachers are expected to assimilate and apply academic knowledge, rather than inquire into and explore their own practices. In this paper I analyse the uses of case pedagogy in teacher education for autonomy and argue that case pedagogy can fulfil this purpose. If teacher education is to promote educational change towards autonomy, it needs to focus on the professional experience of teachers and involve them directly in the reconstruction of educational knowledge and practice. As teachers analyse and develop inquiry-oriented teaching cases focused on pedagogy for autonomy, they have the opportunity to enhance their own autonomy by developing a critical view of education, facing constraints and opening up spaces for manoeuvre.
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