Participatory analysis of energy colonialism in the province of Granada (Spain)


  • Alberto Matarán Ruíz University of Granada
  • Josefa Sánchez Contreras University of Granada
  • Luis Villodres Ramírez Centro Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
  • Celia Jiménez Martín Asociación Labcasa
  • Guillermo Gámez Rodríguez Hábitat 4 S.C.A.
  • Rafael Martín Pérez Plataforma Dí No a las Torres, Caparacena (Granada), España
  • Álvaro Campos-Celador University of the Basque Country, UPV/EHU, Eibar, Spain



energy colonialism, renewable megaproject, corporate energy transition, territory, participatory methods, Granada


The energy crisis and the climate emergency, as well as the geopolitical tensions associated with the war in Ukraine and the genocide carried out in Palestine, are having repercussions on global politics and economy, one of its expressions is the acceleration of the energy transition in the countries that make up the European Union. However, what is promoted as an energy transition is manifesting itself in the installation of wind and photovoltaic megaprojects on the peripheral territories of the continent and especially in the southern states. To analyze this phenomenon, we have resorted to the category of energy colonialism, which in other research we have characterized in six dimensions that allow us to systematize the case studies. This article presents a participatory

analysis of the deployment of renewable energy megaprojects in the province of Granada, a peripheral territory in southeastern Spain. The results obtained debate the colonial dynamics that prevail in the deployment of renewable megaprojects and also suggest participatory methodologies to achieve a decolonial energy transition.



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How to Cite

Matarán Ruíz, A., Sánchez Contreras, J., Villodres Ramírez, L., Jiménez Martín , C., Gámez Rodríguez, G., Pérez Plataforma, R. M., & Campos-Celador, Álvaro. (2024). Participatory analysis of energy colonialism in the province of Granada (Spain). Hábitat Y Sociedad, (17), 63–77.
Received 2024-03-03
Accepted 2024-07-08
Published 2024-10-25
  • Abstract 327
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