Human Settlements and Protected Natural Areas. Challenges in the current habitat in accordance with the SDGs. Case study: Capital Region of the state of Veracruz

Estudo de Caso Região Capital do Estado de Veracruz




Human settlements, Protected Natural Areas, Geographic Information Systems, Participatory Methodologies, Social Production of Habitat


The accelerated global population increase has intensified the pressure on natural resources, simultaneously exacerbating the imperative of formulating resilient and sustainable Human Settlements (HA), therefore, poses challenges in the effective implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), which seek to ensure a dignified existence for all, while maintaining the ecological integrity of the planet. From an urban-architectural perspective, the adoption of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), Participatory Methodologies (PM) complemented with the Production and Social Management of Habitat (SPMH), is proposed as a methodology to offer systemic solutions to new challenges. As a result, GIS provide a solid foundation in the territorial understanding of HAs in relation to their natural environment, PM and PSH promote a conscious participation of local communities in the planning and design of their habitat, with an enriched understanding of the environment and the reciprocal impacts between human actions and the ecosystem, thus enabling informed

decisions and effective cooperation with authorities in favor of a balance between human needs and environmental conservation, where the aim is to outline viable proposals to improve the quality of life and sustainability in AH located in Protected Natural Areas (PNA), through a collaboration between academia, governments and organized civil society.


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Author Biographies

Gabriel Zilli García, University of Veracruz

Doctor in Architecture and Urban Planning and Master in Architecture from the Universidad Veracruzana. CONAHCYT scholarship holder. Professional work in urban planning.

Luis Arturo Vázquez Honorato, University of Veracruz

Doctor in Architecture from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM, Master in Construction Administration from the ITC, Architect from the Universidad Veracruzana. Coordinator of the Habitat Culture Academic Body and Member of the National System of Researchers CONAHCYT.

Bertha Lilia Salazar Martínez, University of Veracruz

Doctor in Architecture from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México UNAM. Master in Construction from ITC. Architect from the Universidad Veracruzana. Member of the Habitat Culture Academic Body and Member of the National System of Researchers and Investigators CONAHCYT


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How to Cite

Zilli García, G. ., Vázquez Honorato, L. A., & Salazar Martínez, B. L. (2024). Human Settlements and Protected Natural Areas. Challenges in the current habitat in accordance with the SDGs. Case study: Capital Region of the state of Veracruz: Estudo de Caso Região Capital do Estado de Veracruz. Hábitat Y Sociedad, (17), 287–318.
Received 2024-02-29
Accepted 2024-07-10
Published 2024-10-25
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