Nature based Solutions: urban strategies for adaptation to climate change


  • Raquel Rey Mellado CEU San Pablo, Madrid
  • María Teresa Franchini Alonso CEU Universidad San Pablo
  • Cristina del Pozo Sánchez Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Ecosystems, Nature-Based Solutions, Cities, Adaptation, Climate Change


Cities will suffer the impacts of climate change in the next decades. These impacts will be different according to their geographical features, the distribution and number of green spaces, the characteristics of the exterior surfaces of their floors and the density of population, among other aspects.

Given this situation, many cities have begun to adopt adaptation strategies to reduce their vulnerability to the adverse effects of the climate; among which Nature-Based Solutions (NBS) stand out. Cities such as Barcelona and Portland are examples of how to intervene using different strategies with the aim of improving climate regulation, increasing biodiversity, becoming carbon sinks and improving people's quality of life.

The two areas of intervention of the NBSs - green infrastructures and biomimetic solution- have become intervention tools that, in addition to allowing cities to adapt to climate change, can be incorporated into local urban planning regulations through strategies that will also influence the global level.


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Author Biographies

Raquel Rey Mellado, CEU San Pablo, Madrid


María Teresa Franchini Alonso, CEU Universidad San Pablo

Doctora en Arquitectura

Cristina del Pozo Sánchez, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos

Doctora en Arquitectura


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How to Cite

Rey Mellado, R., Franchini Alonso, M. T. ., & del Pozo Sánchez, C. (2021). Nature based Solutions: urban strategies for adaptation to climate change. Hábitat Y Sociedad, (14), 243–262.
Received 2021-01-30
Accepted 2021-08-05
Published 2021-11-02
  • Abstract 1070
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