Multi-temporal analysis of urban and peri-urban land use changes in medieval towns of central Italy
Palabras clave:
Morfología urbana, paisajes históricos, SIG, huertos urbanos, agricultura urbanaResumen
Due to the reckless urbanization occurred in recent years, some towns of medieval origin risk to loose their architectural and social identity. In order to highlight the modifications occurred in the last 80 years, we studiedthe land use changes in the urban and peri-urban zones of two small medieval towns of central Italy (Viterbo province, Lazio region), performing a multi-temporal investigation by means of the photogrammetric restitution of historical flights (1934-2010). Results showed that inside the city walls a variable number of green spaces and small backyards remain in 2010 and in the suburban areas residual agricultural activities, mainly the cultivation of fruit and vegetables, probably for local market and/or home consumption. Urban planning should take into account these elements, in order to enhance the functional links among urban
and agricultural areas, as relevant trade-offs for maintaining urban gardening and for a subsistence economy. The maintenance of these important habitats can help to preserve the historical peculiarities of medieval towns and to improve the quality of life of urban residents.
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