The economic value for cycling – a methodological assessment for Starter Cities


  • José Carlos Baptista da Mota Universidade de Aveiro
  • João Pedro Ferreira
  • Frederico Moura Sá Unversidade de Aveiro
  • Catarina Isidoro Universidade de Aveiro


Palabras clave:

Value of Cycling, Cycling Impacts, Cycling Benefits, Economic Impacts.


The concerns about climate change, the effects of congestion and pollution in urban areas have led to the debate about the need for alternative mobility patterns in order to reduce the negative impacts of transport. At the same time, research on sustainable urban mobility highlights the value of cycling as a mean of transport and its economic, social and environmental benefits. Despite the proven benefits, investments in cycling are not always considered a priority, especially in contexts where cycling is residual, such as Portuguese cities, with an average modal share of 0.5%. In this context, the Boost project is developing a Starter Cities Roadmap to support planners and local authorities to promote bicycle use. This paper discusses Economic Value for Cycling (EVC) assessment model, developed to analyze the impacts of cycling or the promotion of cycling in the Portuguese economy, namely through the calculation of the bicycle industry value chain; economic impacts of reduced fuel consumption caused by modal shift; and the value of environmental, energy and health benefits at a local level.


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Biografía del autor/a

José Carlos Baptista da Mota, Universidade de Aveiro

José Carlos Mota is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Social, Political and Territorial Sciences of the University of Aveiro. Since 2004, he joined the Department has a lecturer and researcher and in 2014 completed his PhD on Participation in Spatial Planning. He is currently the Director of the Urban and Regional Planning MSc and from 2014 to 2018 he was the coordinator of the Bicycle and Soft Mobility Technological Platform. His research has been focused on collaborative planning and cycling and he has been involved and been involved in several research projects.


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Cómo citar

Mota, J. C. B. da, Ferreira, J. P., Sá, F. M., & Isidoro, C. (2020). The economic value for cycling – a methodological assessment for Starter Cities. Hábitat Y Sociedad, (13), 29–45.
Recibido 2020-01-27
Aceptado 2020-07-06
Publicado 2020-11-01
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