
  • Patricia Chica Morales Universidad de Málaga
  • Eun Kyung Kang




literature, South Korea, family, woman, feminism


 South Korean society was traditionally based on a strongly patriarchal system, the effects of which are still evident today in family, work and social relations. Despite generational changes and the feminist struggle against the foundations of this system, the position of many women within the family hierarchy is still subordinate to that of men. This is the context depicted by the author Han Kang in her work The Vegetarian. A work that has received extensive international attention not only for describing the reality of many South Korean women but also because it deals with universal issues from a feminist point of view: the role of women in the family, the social status of women, oppression, or marital relations. This article will analyze, with a gender approach, what is the author's representation of South Korean women in the family and society. How they form mechanisms of rebellion that break against social standards and the patriarchal hegemonic structure. For a complete analysis, the article is complemented by an introduction to the situation of women in the social, family and work environment in South Korea.

Both the original version and the Spanish translated version of the play La Vegetariana will be used as sources. It is expected that the analysis of this work in its context will provide knowledge about the role of South Korean women in their family context. It will also contribute to the debate on the role of South Korean feminist literature in the struggle for gender equality in society.


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How to Cite

Chica Morales, P., & Eun Kyung Kang. (2024). WOMEN, FAMILY AND SOCIETY IN HAN KANG’S VEGETARIANA. International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (27), 165–180. https://doi.org/10.12795/RICL2024.i27.09
Received 2023-06-12
Accepted 2023-10-05
Published 2024-01-08
  • Abstract 539
  • PDF (Español (España)) 251