Anyi Wang, chinese feminini writing, consciousness, translation practiceAbstract
Love on a Barren Mountain is a novel created by Anyi Wang, a contemporary Chinese female author. Written in 1988 as part of the “Three Loves” trilogy, the novel tells the story of a love affair and inspire considerations on intersexual love relationships and the destiny of women. Given that gender perspective is a relevant theme in the novel, it is important to analyze the translation process from Chinese into Spanish and English in order to identify the degree of gender consciousness intervention and its potential effects on readers. It is worth noting that while the English version was translated by a feminist researcher and translator, the translator of the Spanish version does not have this profile. It is important to consider this aspect as it could have implications on the approach and sensitivity of the translation with respect to the gender theme present in the novel.
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How to Cite
Accepted 2023-10-05
Published 2024-01-08
- Abstract 171
- PDF (Español (España)) 68