From plurality to a space of one's own. The 'communal voice' in "Ninfe sbranate" by Francesca Cavallero (2020) and "Il catalogo delle vergini" by Nicoletta Vallorani (2017).




science-fiction, dystopian, feminism, communal voice


The dystopian texts "Ninfe sbranate" by Francesca Cavallero (2020) and "Il catalogo delle vergini" by Nicoletta Vallorani (2017) portray worlds permeated by the objectification of women. Inside these worlds, a monstrous male network takes advantage of the cisheteropatriarchal system to cover their crimes: trafficking of women, sexual violence and femicide. However, in both stories these female victims, defined as the 'others', are no longer silenced, but manage – from a space between life and death – to take over part of the narrative. In this way, they are able to tell their story and denounce their abusers. By using Susan Lanser's (1992) 'communal voice', we will analyse the space created to give voice to this repressed collective. Its use interferes with the main narrative and creates a place from which to claim one's right to justice. The purpose of this contribution is thus to highlight the importance of narratology when reading texts from the feminist perspective, and to demonstrate this through the spaces created by the narrative voices present in both texts.


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How to Cite

Riedmann, M. (2022). From plurality to a space of one’s own. The ’communal voice’ in "Ninfe sbranate" by Francesca Cavallero (2020) and "Il catalogo delle vergini" by Nicoletta Vallorani (2017). International Journal of Cultures and Literatures, (25), 388–403.
Received 2022-06-16
Accepted 2022-09-02
Published 2022-11-30
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