Censorship and artivism on the web: artists against giants

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Helena Hernández-Acuaviva
Áurea Muñoz-del-Amo


Many contemporary artists are currently using the internet and social networks as a channel of expression and a means of creation in itself. Our aim is to reflect on the way in which the latest art adapts to the digital medium, showing, from a plastic approach, how this channel of communication provides possibilities for sharing and interaction that are essential for the proposals that are gestated in the online context. We will base our analysis on the study of a selection of contemporary artists whose discourse has a marked activist bias and whose artistic projects revolve around the phenomenon of censorship on the net, speaking about the problems of the medium from the medium itself. To do so, we will start temporally from the moment in which Web 2.0 emerges, focusing on significant cases in which artistic practice and creative hacktivism act as a springboard against censorship. Thus, we will observe how artists confront large corporations -such as Facebook, Google, Amazon or eBay- and totalitarian governments -such as the Chinese or Cuban-. In short, we aim to reflect on the condition of the globalised gaze linked to digital devices and the limits of freedom of expression in the virtual world from the perspective of artivist thought.


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How to Cite
Hernández-Acuaviva, H., & Muñoz-del-Amo, Áurea. (2024). Censorship and artivism on the web: artists against giants. Communiars. Journal of Image, Arts and Social and Critical Education, (11), 27–42. Retrieved from https://revistascientificas.us.es/index.php/Communiars/article/view/25954
Author Biographies

Helena Hernández-Acuaviva, Universidad de Sevilla

HELENA HERNÁNDEZ ACUAVIVA (Seville, 1995) is a graduate in Fine Arts (University of Seville, US), with a Master's Degree in Art (US) and a Master's Degree in Design (UDIMA). She is currently a PhD student in Art and Heritage, developing an international joint supervision by the US and the UNESP, and is hired as a predoctoral Research Staff in Training (PIF) for the development of the US R+D+i Program, with teaching load. She has been contracted research staff in the Dept. of Computer Architecture and Technology associated with the R+D+i Project "Aster: Promoting Art-Science-Technology-Engineering Research By Using Collaborative Methodologies And Tools", call FEDER 2020-University of Seville.

In the year 2023 she obtained the grant "VII Plan Propio de Investigación y Transferencia de la Universidad de Sevilla (VII PPIT-US)" for the training as research personnel (Programa de Formación Predoctoral Anualidad 2022). In the academic year 2022- 2023 she obtained two research grants in Brazil: the "Mobility between Andalusian and Ibero-American Universities 2023" Grant, convened by the AUIP and Andalusian Universities for a three-month academic research stay at the UNESP, and the grant for a two-month Research Internship at the Centro Universitario do Instituto Mauá de Tecnologia. In the 2015-2016 academic year, she obtained the Santander Iberoamerican Scholarship for a full course at the UASLP (Mexico). She has participated in multiple exhibitions, art festivals and artistic projects such as, among others, Ars Electronica Festival 2023 (Linz, Austria) or the group exhibition "EmMeio#15" at Galeria Térreo, Museu Nacional da República Brasília (Brazil). She has also won several awards for some of his works such as, among others, "Liquid Landscapes Error" (2022) or "Guapa, guapa y guapa" (2022). 

She is a research member of the research group "Gráfica y Creación Digital" (HUM822, US, Spain) and of the "GIIP - Grupo Internacional e Interinstitucional de Pesquisa em Arte, Ciência e Tecnologia" (UNESP, Brazil). Since then he has published in international journals and has participated in art-related congresses.

Áurea Muñoz-del-Amo, University of Seville

ÁUREA MUÑOZ DEL AMO (Badajoz, 1980) has a degree in Fine Arts (specializing in Printmaking and Design) and a PhD in Fine Arts (European Mention and Extraordinary Doctorate Award from the University of Seville in the 2019/2020 academic year). She is currently Professor of the Drawing Department of the Faculty of Fine Arts at the University of Seville. Her teaching, artistic and research work is closely linked to the field of contemporary graphics and the construction of creative discourse through drawing, printmaking procedures and infographic media. She has carried out research stays in art centers in different European countries (United Kingdom, Italy, Finland, Holland and Belgium), participating in multiple exhibitions and artistic projects and receiving, among others, the "Fundación Pilar Banús" Award, within the XV National Printmaking Awards convened by the Foundation of the Museum of Contemporary Spanish Printmaking in Marbella. Since 2019 she has been responsible for the research group "Graphics and Digital Creation" (HUM822). She is co-principal investigator in the R+D+i Project "Aster: Promoting Art-Science-Technology-Engineering Research By Using Collaborative Methodologies And Tools", call FEDER 2020-University of Seville.


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