Photojournalists in local press. The case of Diario Hoy newspaper in Extremadura (Spain)




photography, press photographer, chronology, history, archive


Given the need for studies on local and regional media photojournalists, this research deals with the case of Diario Hoy Extremadura. A descriptive historical study of the press photographers of the reference newspaper in Extremadura is carried out with the aim of highlighting their work and their authorship, which is hardly appreciated because their work is always in the shadow of textual information. An analysis is made of the newspaper’s digital archive, as well as of previous literature. In this way, research is carried out on the photojournalists who have developed or are developing their profession in the local area of Badajoz and have published their work assiduously, during long periods of time (at least six months) in the more than 90 years of life of this newspaper. In addition, a semi-structured interview was conducted with the authors who are still alive, with the aim of obtaining complementary information of interest. The result obtained is an exhaustive chronology of the photojournalists, as well as an awareness of the importance of keeping their legacy alive, which includes preserving their personal archives. It is noteworthy that, as a result of this research, it will be possible to preserve the archive of one of the longest-serving authors, Alfonso Rodríguez, now retired, who has donated it to the CB Foundation, which will be in charge of cataloging, digitizing, preserving and making it available to the public.


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Author Biographies

Javier Trabadela-Robles, University of Extremadura

Javier Trabadela-Robles is full professor at the Department of Information and Communication (Audiovisual Communication and Advertising area) of the University of Extremadura (Spain). He is a member of the Scientific Association Icono 14 and the research group AR-CO (Communication Area). His lines of research focus on the study of the image on the Internet, press photography, television, as well as bibliographic works and scientific production on Communication and the previous areas.

Lucas García-Ramírez, University of Extremadura

Lucas García-Ramírez holds a degree in Audiovisual Communication and a master's degree in Information Management in Social Networks and Digital Products on the Internet from the University of Extremadura. In the professional field, he has accumulated more than three decades of experience in the world of communication. For 21 years he worked in the Design, Layout, Graphic Editing and Photography team of Diario Hoy de Extremadura, as well as working as a photojournalist during certain periods. As a documentary photographer he has carried out several photographic projects that have obtained several awards. He is currently a researcher at the Department of Information and Communication of the Faculty of Documentation and Communication Sciences of the University of Extremadura.


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How to Cite

Trabadela-Robles, J., & García-Ramírez, L. (2024). Photojournalists in local press. The case of Diario Hoy newspaper in Extremadura (Spain). Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (66), 88–111.



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