Covid-19 coverage in Rio de Janeiro: aspects of the production routine of Local Newscast




Covid-19, telejournalism, Rio de Janeiro, adaptação, novas rotinas


Brazilian newscasts have experienced a series of changes in face of the challenges of Covid-19 coverage, with changes in production routines, demand for new functions and skills, and new productions of meaning on screens. The change in the anatomy of the newscast (Piccinin & Soster, 2012) went through phases, which also include the narrative construction that was being made about the pandemic itself at all times. The purpose of this article is to present an analysis of the pandemic coverage in 18 editions of the RJ1 and RJ2 newscasts, broadcast by Rede Globo in Rio de Janeiro. The method that was used is the Case Study (Yin, 2011), aplied in the first nine months of Covid-19 coverage, using as theorical reference the phases of Brazilian television news programs detected by Silva (2018). The aim is to identify the new narrative strategies (Thomé & Reis, 2019a), observing what characteristics of previous phases were retaken and / or reformulated, and also how the pandemic changed productive routines and generated new productions of meaning on the screens. Sources holding microphone, sounds sent by applications, reporters with masks, resignified archive images and predominance of live broadcast - the change in the anatomy of the newscast (Piccinin & Soster, 2012) went through phases, which also included the narrative of construction being done on the pandemic itself at each time of newscast coverage that was analiysed.


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Author Biographies

Claudia de Albuquerque Thomé, UFJF/PPGCOM UFJF

Adjunct professor at Facom / UFJF and the UFJF Graduate Program in Communication, she is the leader of the Research Group? Media narratives and dialogues?, Registered in the CNPq directory, and professor of Journalism and Radio, TV and Internet courses . Journalist graduated from the School of Communication at UFRJ and Master in Communication and Culture also from ECO / UFRJ, she holds a PhD in Science of Literature (Literary Theory) from the Faculty of Letters at UFRJ. Author of the book "Ear literature: chronicles of daily life by radio waves", her main research focuses are narrative strategies, language and representations in television news and other media productions, the interaction of journalism with fictional productions and chronicles in the media of communication. She worked in the journalistic market in Rio de Janeiro, with an emphasis on political coverage, and was coordinator of the Journalism course at Facom / UFJF. Currently, he coordinates research on narrative audiovisual strategies in the context of convergence and mediatization, another research on videoterature as an audiovisual language, and also an extension project in interface with research with a study of language in audiovisual production on health, in partnership with teachers. of Medicine and Social Work. She is deputy coordinator of the GP Telejornalismo do Intercom.

Edna de Mello Silva, Unifesp

Edna de Mello Silva is a Journalist and has a degree in Letters from Universidade São Judas Tadeu, a master and doctor in Communication Sciences from ECA-USP. She has a post-doctorate with research on the history of telejournalism from UFRJ (2015). She is currently a professor at the Higher Course in Technology in Educational Design at the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP) and a collaborating professor at PPGCOM / UFT. She is part of the Network of Researchers in Telejournalism in Brazil (Rede Telejor). She is the leader of the Research Group on Communication, Design and Digital Technologies (CoDe / CNPq / Unifesp).

Marco Aurelio Reis, Unesa-RJ

Marco Aurelio Reis is a journalist and professor in the Journalism course at Unesa-RJ, where he is a research fellow at the Research and Productivity Program and coordinator of the undergraduate course in Audiovisual Production (Campus João Uchôa). Vice-leader of the Media Narratives and Dialogies Research Group (UFJF / CNPq) and collaborating professor at PPGCOM / UFJF. He is part of the Network of Researchers in Telejournalism in Brazil (Rede Telejor). Graduated from the School of Communication at UFRJ, he has a master's and doctorate from the Faculty of Letters at UFRJ.

Ana Paula Goulart de Andrade, UFRJ/FACHA/FPG/PUC-Rio

Ana Paula Goulart de Andrade is a journalist, researcher and professor in Higher Education. She is a doctoral student and master by the Post-Graduate Program in Social Communication at PUC-Rio, a specialist in Telejournalism and is part of the Network of Researchers in Telejournalism in Brazil (Rede Telejor). She is currently a professor of Journalism Courses (UFRJ and Facha), Postgraduate Coordinator (Facha) and a member of the board of ABEJ-Associação Brasileira de Ensino da Jornalismo


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How to Cite

de Albuquerque Thomé, C., Silva, E. de M., Reis, M. A., & Andrade, A. P. G. de. (2021). Covid-19 coverage in Rio de Janeiro: aspects of the production routine of Local Newscast . Ámbitos. Revista Internacional De Comunicación, (52), 71–86.



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