Cyberactivism, a new form of social mobilization in the commercial boycott campaign in Morocco
cyberactivism, techno-communicative practices, boycott, social change, social mobilizationAbstract
The commercial boycott campaign in Morocco has led to a reality in which technology and activism have come together to create a successful social mobilization strategy. The claim of society used new technologies to, in an unprecedented way, produce a commercial boycott based solely on cyberactivism. In this way, the signs of latent social change and considerable community and technological involvement emerged through the so-called “Arab Spring” became visible. This article analyzes the techno-communicative practices carried out during the commercial boycott campaign in Morocco, known as “#moqatioune (we boycott)” that sought to mobilize the Moroccan population by calling them to participate and get involved in said campaign.
To carry out this study, a quantitative content analysis methodology has been adopted. In this way, the techno-communicative element, the exposed narrative and the continuous interaction of messages, enhanced by the power of new technologies, especially the social network Facebook, have been studied during the commercial boycott campaign. The main results of this study have shown that the success of the campaign is fundamentally due to the effectiveness of the mobilization strategies. The use of new communication technologies has proven to be a powerful instrument to spread information, make visible, and influence and call protests.
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