
(Required to register as an author)



Unpublished research, review and dissemination of scientific activities in architecture.

Open Submissions / Indexed / Peer Review

The anonymous, external peer review will assess the interest of the article, its contribution to knowledge of the theme, the innovations contributed, the correct relationships established, the critical judgment developed, the bibliographic references used and correct writing.

Articles written in Microsoft Word (extension. doc)

Font: Times New Roman (PC) or Times Roman (Mac)
Original language: Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, French or English.
Margins: Top 3 cm. Lower 3 cm. Left 3 cm. Right 2 cm
Headers: No headers or footers.
Page Numbering: Position: lower part (foot of page). Alignment: Right

The FIRTS PAGE shall consist solely of:
Article Title: Concise and informative, maximum 80 characters. Times New Roman, bold, size 12, spacing before 12 pt, after 18 pts, line spacing exactly 18.
Summary: No more than 12 lines. Times New Roman italic, size 9, with before and after space of 6 points and exact spacing, 12 points. The author’s name should be in bold. Justified alignment.
Keywords: up to six significant words.

The main text must be written in size 11, Times New Roman, spacing after 6 points, line spacing exactly 15 points, justified alignment. Do not use custom text formats.

Authors may use italics to emphasize a term if they wish.
Titles of paragraphs: The paragraph headings should be left aligned, no indent, no numbering and must conform to the following format:
Title Level 1 (Times New Roman size 11, space before 18 points, after 12 points. Exact spacing 12 points.)
Title Level 2 (Times New Roman italics, size 11, space before 18 points, after 12 points. Exact spacing 12 points.)

All NOTES that the author considers necessary to include will be at the END OF PAGE, Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 6 points before and after. Justified alignment, line spacing exactly 12 points, no indent, and numbered from 1 in the context of the article. They are to be indicated in the text in superscript without brackets. The number of the note should be immediately after the word or phrase to be referenced and never after the full stop at the end of the sentence.

Any quotation must be within quotation marks and include a footnote indicating its origin, according to the REFERENCE AND QUOTATION RULES.

Similarly, any bibliographical reference alluded to in the text must be referenced in a footnote.

References should be limited to the footnote, that should be included in the Bibliography at the end of the article.
The bibliography will be at the end of the text, preceding the final list which identifies the source of the images.

FIGURES, TABLES AND IMAGES. Only those which are really useful, clear and representative. The selected images will be explanatory to the text: drawings, plans, tables and/or photos of architecture. Recommended number of images, between 12 and 15.

Their position will be indicated in the text in parentheses (figure X) starting the numbering from 1. The legend will be included at the position indicated in the text, in Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 6 points before and after. Line spacing exactly 12 points, without indent, justified alignment.

All images accompanying the text of the article should specify their source, citing the author if known, and the bibliographical source. The latter should follow the instructions given for bibliographical references. The complete list of all the source images will be located at the end of the article, preceding the notes: in Times New Roman, size 10, spacing 6 points before and after. Justified alignment, line spacing exactly 12 points, no indent.

Black and white images. Format. TIFF. Size 12 x 18 cms. Resolution: 300 dpi. (Do not use image manipulation programs to achieve this resolution). Scanned images or illustrations should be DESCREENED in the scanning process.

If the article is accepted, the author must seek the corresponding permissions for the publication of the images. The permissions must be submitted to the Editorial Board together with the final version of the article.

When sending the article via, the METADATA will be completed, this will include the AUTHOR’S INFORMATION AND A BIOGRAPHICAL PROFILE: the data must be accurate. It is essential to cite the place and date of birth, School or Faculty, University and date of obtaining an architectural degree or doctorate (if applicable), as well as teaching categories acquired. School or Faculty, University and dates where teaching was, or is, given (if applicable). Names of journals and/or books that have been published (number, year, if applicable). Any other merit considered appropriate, always giving accurate data. Avoid generic terms. Maximum length 10 lines per author.

TEXTS IN ENGLISH. Only in the on-line version. Required from number 12. The author must send to the journal title, abstract, keywords and full text in English once the article has been accepted for publication.

The author must submit document certifying that the article has been traslated and/or revised ortographic and grammar in English by an accredited translator. This document is essential for publication of the article.