



square, park, playground, urban design, community, New York


When public space is void of uses and people are deprived of making it their own, the space ceases to exist. This situation encourages architects to begin its revitalisation.  The Jacob Riis Park (1966) of New York, a work by the urban landscape architect M. Paul Friedberg, enlightens us in this sense. His architectural project is a kind of laboratory in urban form with the aim of redefining the architecture of common spaces.  The Riis Project demonstrates a different way to renovate disused spaces in marginal residential areas. Specifically, the children’s playground is the expression of a temporary form of space that condenses social life. Seen from the present day, it broke with previous models, began new lines of discipline in landscape architecture, codified previous knowledge and forecasted its own development through the variations of its form. The Riis Project gathers specific architecture in an expanded field; it is the setting for total play environment, a happening where social life recovers the space from which it was once deprived. The Riis Project shows us the ability that architecture has to transform common space and establish the value of the project as a means for social reform.


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Author Biography

Juan José Tuset Davó, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Juan José Tuset Davó (Valencia, 1976). Arquitecto por la ETSAV (2001) y doctor arquitecto por la UPV (2008). Profesor del Departamento de Proyectos Arquitectónicos de la Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). Máster en Conservación del Patrimonio Arquitectónico (MOCPA-UPV). Miembro del Grupo de Investigación Arte y Arquitectura Contemporánea de la UPV. Autor de los libros Encerrar la Exterioridad (2011), Arquitectura en el jardín (2012) y Orilla Martina: Territorio Litoral (co-editado con R. Temes) (2015). Ha publicado su investigación en las revistas: PpA, ARQ, EGA, RA, CPA, RITA, BAC, VLC y ZARCH. Línea de investigación en curso: vínculos contemporáneos entre la arquitectura, el jardín y el paisaje.


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Imagen del artículo



How to Cite

Tuset Davó, J. J. (2021). RIIS PROJECT: A HAPPENING FOR SOCIAL LIFE. Proyecto, Progreso, Arquitectura, (25), 34–49. https://doi.org/10.12795/ppa.2021.i25.02
  • Abstract 524
  • artículo (Español (España)) 238